Cincinnati's Oldest Music School9678 Cincinnati Columbus Rd, West Chester, OH 45241

Looking For Free Music Lessons In Cincinnati?

We here at Toedtman School of Music, the first private music school in Cincinnati, obviously value the importance of music lessons – we’ve been providing private music instruction in the Cincinnati area since 1974!

But we also realize that it’s important to ensure that each music student clicks well with their music instructor, and that they feel excited about their music lessons moving forward – ensuring they continue to have music in their life for years to come.

That’s why we offer a free introductory music lesson at our Cincinnati music studio located in West Chester Ohio!

Free Introductory Music Lesson

That’s right – get a free Cincinnati music lesson at Toedtman School of Music! Perhaps you aren’t sure if you can make the time for music lessons in your busy schedule? Perhaps you aren’t sure if the instrument you are choosing is the right one for you? This is exactly why we have this program set up!

So no matter if you are interested in piano lessons, drum lessons, bass lessons, guitar lessons or even voice lessons, contact Toedtman School of Music today to learn more about getting your first music lesson for free!

To get started, fill out the form below:


    Your Name (required)

    Student Information

    Area of interest

    pianovoiceviolinvioladouble basstrumpetsaxophoneclarinetguitarbass guitarclassical guitardrumsdrawingpainting

    Your Email (required)

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    Student Age

    How did you hear about us? (required)

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