Here at the Toedtman School of Music, we take our responsibility very seriously. Preparing Cincinnati’s next generation of musical minds is a huge and important undertaking. Let’s step back and look at the bigger picture. Cultures are remembered for their music. Societies are enriched by their musical environments. One cannot think of Germany in the late 18th and early 19th century without thinking of Beethoven; it is impossible to picture New Orleans in the first half of the 20th century without considering Louis Armstrong.
Music is not only a fundamental mode of communication, but a form of expression that can bring people closer together. And it is with that charge — that thrilling and inspiring challenge — that we work hard to be Cincinnati’s best music school.
Toedtman School of Music Is A Top Cincinnati Music School, And The Oldest!
Remember, Toedtman School of Music is Cincinnati’s oldest music school. So, we understand that musical learning is a field that grows a variety of crops. Through musical expression, we learn discipline. We develop critical listening and thoughtful response. We learn to coordinate our fingers and mouths and brains. We also learn history, through the composers and stylistic innovations of each era. We learn literature, through the ongoing dialogue between musicians and writers. We internalize the physics of breath and resonance. The math of proportion and symmetry becomes second nature to a music student.
The most fun, though, may come when we start to feel music like a game. It’s a collaborative game in which you pass the ball with your duet partner — or when you contribute to the team that is your orchestra or your jazz band. The playful, mutually supportive setting of a musical ensemble can fill you with joy in a way that nothing else can. Here at Toedtman School of Music, we would be honored to help you find that joy for yourself.
So when looking for Cincinnati’s finest music school, keep us in mind. And how about testing us out with a FREE music lesson to start!