A lot of mystique surrounds the violin. It is a featured instrument in so many beautiful orchestral presentations for many years and embodies much of the romanticism that is part of music. Children are often attracted to the sophistication of playing the violin, and choose to study this instrument, as opposed to taking drum lessons or trumpet lessons for instance. A violinist is among a unique group of musicians that enjoy and play the classical music that been crafted through the ages. Typically, a child becomes fascinated with the violin between ages 7 to 12, when they first start looking into choosing an instrument to study, but this age varies quite a bit.
Children can benefit from learning to play the violin in three ways:
- Physical
- Mental
- Social
Physical Benefits of Violin Lessons
The physical benefits of taking violin lessons include improved strength and flexibility in the upper body. Arms and fingers become stronger as the child learns new and exciting techniques. Posture improves as the child sits up straight when playing. Playing the violin can also result in strengthening the shoulders and the upper arms.
Mental Benefits of Violin Lessons
The mental benefits of violin lessons include changes that tend to occur in the child’s mind and brain. Concentration, attention span and focus may all be improved by studying the instrument. The memory is sharpened because the child will need to memorize physical movements as well as learn how to read music. Another benefit is the improved self-discipline acquired through maintaining a practice schedule. Studies have demonstrated that skills necessary to acquire and improve reading skills are developed more easily. Young violin players who have studied for three or more years are likely to show improved verbal skills, which can lead to better communication skills.
Social Skills Benefits of Violin Lessons
The children’s social skills may also improve with violin lessons. Playing the violin provides children with something to talk to about with others, and children take pride in performing in a concert that is attended by relatives and friends. Children who tend to be introverts will find it easy and comfortable to interact with other violinists in a class or a group. It is a marvelous way to build self-confidence and gain self-discipline.
Toedteman School of Music Offers Violin Lessons in Cincinnati Ohio
For violin lessons in Cincinnati, contact Toedtman School of Music, Cincinnati’s oldest private music School by calling 513.772.7900, or using the contact form below.