Cincinnati's Oldest Music School9678 Cincinnati Columbus Rd, West Chester, OH 45241

20 Songs with Only One Chord Sequence

If you have ever found yourself in an open jam, with musicians from varying background, you have likely found yourselves asking this question: “What song should we play?” Some rock songs that may be common ground – Beatles songs familiar to many musicians — are...

classical guitar toedtman

Guitar Heroes Are Real. Be a Hero.

Guitar lessons are transformative. Not only do they transform you into a nimble, quick-footed musician, but they turn mere mortal into superheroes. We are familiar with the notion of a “guitar hero,” but this idea is more than hype. Guitar players are true heroes in...

brain and music

Re-wire Your Brain With Guitar Lessons

Taking guitar lessons can help you in a myriad of ways. The satisfaction of being able to strum chords is palpable. Fingerpicking a song while someone sings along? A true delight. Ripping into a solo while a drummer and bassist keep the groove going? It’s...


Cincinnati Guitar Lessons

Taking guitar lessons in Cincinnati is not only fun, but lets face it… it’s cool! Why? Well, the guitar is one of the most exciting musical instruments to learn because it can be played in so many different music genres. Guitar can be found in...