Cincinnati's Oldest Music School9678 Cincinnati Columbus Rd, West Chester, OH 45241

Homeschool Families Seeking Music Lessons

Homeschool Music Lessons

In Cincinnati, the homeschooling movement has gained considerable momentum.

And while there is much to be gained by having the parents take on the duties of instruction and curriculum development, there are many social aspects that children miss.

One of the prime experiences one loses by abstaining from the full classroom environment is the ability to play in a band.

Concert band and orchestra experiences feel wonderful for a student. Creating sound together in a group of young musicians fosters a sense of community, and a sense of mutual, shared, artistic exploration.

Here at Toedtman, we can tailor our individual private music lessons to the needs of any homeschooled student. Whether it involves creating opportunities for the student to play in chamber groups or other ensembles, or whether it means that the individualized curriculum can be tailored to dovetail with the parents’ instructional plans, our teachers are more than happy to accommodate.

Lessons for school-age children are customarily 30 minutes each week, but that, as well, is open to discussion. Our access to orchestral scores, sheet music, and a wide range of repertoire helps our teachers provide precisely what each student needs to develop into a practicing musician.

If you are a homeschooling parent and would like to discuss the scope and approach of private music lessons here in Cincinnati, please contact us and we can build an educational plan together.

Music, regardless of the learning setting, is a deep and powerful part of any student’s development. The importance of musical education in developing other parts of the brain, and in helping with coordination, math, expression, and all other forms of educational advancement, is widely documented.

To sign up for music lessons for your home schooled child, contact Toedtman School of Music today!